The Creditsafe credit scoring model is a highly predictive analytical tool using the latest advanced statistical techniques. It combines commercial, financial and other key business indicators, including information on payment transactions, government information, key financial ratios, industry sector analysis and other performance indicators, which help our customers to form a profile of the financial stability and resilience of their existing and future business relationships.
The Creditsafe scoring model predicts the probability of a company going bankrupt within the next 12 months. We can identify hundreds of variables for this model. Next, we consider and weigh each variable with respect to the impact that each variable has had on a company's failure. Finally, we select a number of variables that we compile to create the different modules, providing you with the most up-to-date information in our data and one of the most predictive scoring algorithms available.
With this credit scoring model, we succeed in predicting 81% of bankruptcies 12 months before the company becomes insolvent in Belgium and 70% on average for international companies.